DZI Facts

DZI beads (etched agate) excavated by archaeologists revealed that the technique of etching agate has exceeded 5000 years. Archaeological records show that etched agate beads discovered from various ancient locations have different variations in look. This is due to the different etching techniques and the different type of agate material used.

Ancient pure Dzi beads are getting less and rare in this world. The value of ancient pure Dzi beads will be increase year after year. Ancient pure Dzi beads now can be consider as most precious Gem in the world. Buyer should be careful while chosing your own Dzi beads because only ancient pure Dzi beads can bring wearer's fortune and maintained its value in the market.

Goats eye DZI

This dzi protects you from all trouble while travelling. These pieces are very rare. Wear this touching your body.





The meaning of the Tibetan word "dzi" translates to "shine, brightness, clearness, splendor". In Chinese, the bead is called "heaven's bead" or "heaven's pearl"

Dzi were crafted by an unknown people using agate as the base stone and then fabricated with lines and circles using unique ancient methods like darkening with plant sugars and heat as well as bleaching and white line etching with ancient natron while certain parts must have been left out by using either grease, clay, wax or similar - the actual ancient alchemic process can only be assumed. In this way the ancients created the patterns by first bleaching the agate and then darkening the patterns onto the bead raws. Subsequently the lighter pattern would be etched onto the bead. After this the hole would be drilled, which was arduous work with a bow drill during ancient times. different eyed dzi have different effect.

1. The 1 eyed Dzi bead stands for a beacon of light and hope. This powerful eye is believed to enhance human wisdom, and bring forth happiness for life.
2. The 2 eyed Dzi enables harmony between husband and wife; build a happy family, successful career, and good relationships with others.
3. The 3 eyed Dzi bead represents the three stars of luck, happiness, honor, and longevity. It is the bead of wealth and health to bring continuous fortune.
4. The 4 eyed Dzi helps To Overcome Negative Forces, Clears Obstacles, Increases Merits & Longevity, Subdue Demons.
5. The 5 eyed Dzi is considered a magical item and is highly sought after. It assists one in obtaining whatever one desires, so it is a very desired bead. Endless happiness.
6. The 6 eyed Dzi eliminates sadness and sufferings in life, and increases access to good luck.
7. The 7 eyed Dzi helps one to Achieve Fame, Glory, Perfection, Career, Wealth, Relationship, and Health & Longevity.
8. The 8 eyed Dzi helps to guard against calamities and catastrophes. Assists the owner in finding and staying on their proper path.
9. The 9 eyed Dzi bead assists its owner to Gather Wealth, Achieve Good Health, Success, Gain Power, Compassion, Glory, and Expelling Evil & Acts as a Protector.
10. The 10 eyed Dzi removes obstacles in the road of career development, gains favorable comments on you from others, and omens a happy relationship with your spouse.
To purchase one of these exquisite artifacts, please visit Dzi Stones. Dragon-Gate Store has a wonderful selection of authentic Dzi Sone Bead jewelry for you to choose from.

11. The 11 eyed Dzi helps to eradicate evil intentions and reduces craving, leading to a peace of the heart and mind.
12. The 12 eyed Dzi empowers one with the ability to surpass expectations and attain fame and recognition.
13. The 13 eyed Dzi allows one to learn to communicate with the ancestors as well as other dimensions and realities.
14. The 14 eyed Dzi helps to protect the mind from clutter and help with karma issues.
15. The 15 eyed Dzi increases the wearer's wisdom, releases human suffering and brings forth general good fortune in human life.
16. The 16 eyed Dzi Brings back the humor in life. Reminds one that it is through play and joy that all things may be obtained. Helps to repel sadness, depression, melancholy, sorrowfulness, and the blues.
17. The 17 eyed Dzi can assist to improve the self image. It allows others to see you the way you see yourself in your unconscious mind. It protects owner from the images of others.
18. The 18 eyed Dzi can help to protect against obsessions and compulsions. Helps to protect against addictive personality traits. Alcoholism, drug abuse, sexual addiction, gambling and all other addictions.

Ancient and pure dzi beads of Tibet are extremely precious and rare. No matter how many or how few eyes they bear, all Dzi beads possess the mystic power of bringing luck, warding off evil, stabilizing blood pressure, guarding against apoplexy and enhancing body strength. Owners and wearers of these beads are blessed with unexpected credit, luck and perfection. Dzi beads are unique collectibles. If you want goats eye DZI or other dzi contact us.

        International Institute Of Astrology and Occult science         (REGD 072)
Bhavisyabani, Nuagaon Square,
Vijoy Vihar, Bhubaneswar 2, Pin:751002
Ph:+91 0674 2343574,2343474,Fax:+91 0674 2343474 24 Mob:+91 9437020474




Ancient and pure dzi beads of Tibet are extremely precious and rare. No matter how many or how few eyes they bear, all Dzi beads possess the mystic power of bringing luck, warding off evil, stabilizing blood pressure, guarding against apoplexy and enhancing body strength. Owners and wearers of these beads are blessed with unexpected credit, luck and perfection. Dzi beads are unique collectibles.

Weathering marks are signs of aging. They best represent the age of a Dzi.If we examine a Dzi under magnifying glass, we will discover tiny lines of different thickness running irregularly and spontaneously on its surface. These are weathering marks.They resemble either fish scales or phoenix claws.

If want these rare DZI, then contact us directly by e mail or a Phone call.


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