Heera Sankh


Sacred Geometry

# pattern in the mind #

Geometry is considered sacred in many culture. Different geometrical patterns. The strands of our DNA, the cornea of our eye, snow flakes, pine cones, flower petals, diamond crystals, the branching of trees, a nautilus shell, the star we spin around, the galaxy we spiral within, the air we breathe, and all life forms as we know them emerge out of timeless geometric codes.
The designs of exalted holy places from the prehistoric monuments at Stonehenge and the Pyramid of Khufu at Giza, to the world's great cathedrals, mosques, and temples are based on these same principles of sacred geometry.
As far back as Greek Mystery schools 2500 years ago it was taught that there are five perfect 3-dimensional forms - the tetrahedron, hexahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron, and icosahedron ... collectively known as the Platonic Solids; and that these form the foundation of everything in the physical world.
SACRED-GEOMETRY.COM is dedicated to bringing the power of sacred geometry and the wonderfully patterned beauty of Creation, to your life.
Modern scholars ridiculed this idea until the 1980's, when Professor Robert Moon at the University of Chicago demonstrated that the entire Periodic Table of Elements - literally everything in the physical world - truly is based on these same five geometric forms. In fact, throughout modern physics, chemistry, and biology, the sacred geometric patterns of creation are today being rediscovered.
The ancients knew that these patterns were codes symbolic of our own inner realm and that the experience of sacred geometry was essential to the education of the soul. Viewing and contemplating these forms can allow us to gaze directly at the face of deep wisdom and glimpse the inner workings of The Universal Mind.

These sacred geometric structures creates a Quantum tunneling. Quantum tunneling is a micro and nanoscopic phenomenon in which a particle violates principles of classical mechanics by penetrating or passing through a potential barrier or impedance higher than the kinetic energy of the particle. A barrier, in terms of quantum tunneling, may be a form of energy state analogous to a "hill" or incline in classical mechanics, which would suggest that passage through or over such a barrier would be impossible without sufficient energy. However, because of differences in terms of scale and interaction between quantum and classical mechanics, practical applications of the latter would be inaccurate.

On the quantum scale, objects exhibit wave-like behavior; in quantum theory, quanta moving against a potential energy "hill" can be described by their wave-function, which represents the probability of finding that particle in a certain location at either side of the "hill". If this function describes the particle as being on the other side of the "hill", then there is the probability that it has moved through, rather than over it, and has thus "tunneled".

In quantum field theory, the zero-point field is the lowest energy state of a field, i.e. its ground state, which is non zero. This phenomenon gives the quantum vacuum a complex structure, which can be probed experimentally; see, for example, the Casimir effect. The term "zero-point field" is sometimes used as a synonym for the vacuum state of an individual quantized field. The electromagnetic zero-point field is loosely considered as a sea of background electromagnetic energy that fills the vacuum of space, and is often regarded merely as a curious outcome of the quantum mechanical requirement, namely the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, that the lowest allowable energy level in a harmonic oscillator mode is not zero but ħw /2, where w is the characteristic frequency of the oscillator.

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