Heera Sankh



# Gem Works #

Samadhi Yoga is a spiritual path where you can experience profound states of enlightenment. It is unique from other types of Yoga in that it is simply allowing for the bodymind to experience the state of Samadhi consciousness. Samadhi is an ancient Sanskrit word that is literally thousands of years old. It means "the bliss from transcending the mind". The word Yoga means "union" with Source and so Samadhi Yoga is what happens when you transcend the mind and become unified with your Divine Source.

Samadhi Yoga is experienced through conscious breathing (Pranayama) combined with simple yoga postures (Asanas). The difference is that there is no pushing of the body into painful stretches or extending itself physically. The attention is completely on the breath, and there is a simple relaxed flow of the body from one asana to the next.

Anyone can easily attain the highest states of consciousness by continuously following this natural rhythm of the breath. It is our golden gateway into the experience of the Divine energy that is here now. Through a very slow, conscious movement of the body in harmony with the breath you'll soon find the mind naturally dissolves and what's left is pure awareness.

As the body continues to move into each new asana in this pure awareness, it becomes a conscious yet active type of meditation. Great inner peace and stillness can be found in this flowing state. Through a complete lack of effort to attain any higher state, we naturally discover the Divine Essence that is here now. Through a deep surrender INTO the body you are relaxing the mind and unifying with this Source. You'll soon find that this awesome state of Samadhi finds you!

Anyone can find this divine connection through a deep enough surrender of the mind to the body. The benefits of Samadhi Yoga are profound and much easier than what you may have previously believed it to be. If you are not finding this awesome experience through your daily yoga practice you may be trying to hard. Efforting to attain something is another way of communicating to the Universe that you are not there yet. Finding Samadhi can be as simple as letting go of your inner striving over-achiever and accepting yourself on the deepest levels just as you are.

The experience of Samadhi is completely outrageous and unbelievable. On many levels, it is the reason we each came to this planet. The bliss that is found in the Samadhi experience is one that every human being must experience in a lifetime. To read more about what the experience of Samadhi is like Click Here.

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Vaisiya Rasmani













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